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Closing Order, Payment and Changing Plan

Closing at 15.00 WIB for the next morning delivery plan

Estimation Time Arrival

Couriers leave every morning at 7 in a cooler box from Central Jakarta. Please selects the delivery date D-1, so you can start healthy as early as possible.

Stores Fruters in Cold Refrigerator

Our juice estimated can hold into 2-3 hours at room temperature or 2-3 days in the refrigerator.


Welcoming your healthy life with our cleanses package.

Bundling Package

Buy more and save even more ! Because one is never enough.

Lower Cholesterol

It's important to include many plant-based foods inside this juices. Try me!

Celery Juice

Your morning bestfriend is finally here, try me!

Stress Away

Traveling can relieve stress, also me!


A fresh gedong gincu will be the best dessert in town.

Glowing Skin

You don't need synthetic supplements or facial treatments. Focusing on what you put in your body is a great overall strategy.

Preggo Best Friend

Happy Mommy, Happy Baby in Your Belly!

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